When you find black werewolf cats, you will notice that they are unique. These kinds of cats shed their hair so a point that they can become bald at some occasion. For wolf cats, you will get to see that they have sparse patches on the chin, muzzle, nose, eyes, behind their ears and feet. This is as a result of the gene mutation that causes some hair follicles not be able to create hair or even not be able to maintain it. But the fact is that they are never related at all. You might think that they are Sphynx or Devon cats. This is the first thing that you will notice in Werewolf Cat Breed. Some common knowledge that you need to know is that kittens are not given up for adoption, you have to wait until they are at least 12 weeks old. Remember that you will not be alone, you have to be slotted into a waitlist that you will need to wait for months. For instance, a vaccinated Lykoi cat can go for up to $2000, which is a price that you need to pay in stages. Lykoi cats have turned out to be rare in the modern world and in fact, if you want that species, you have to be prepared to get them at a higher cost. In the year 2016, they were awarded championship status by the TCIA.

They decided to outcross them (the first werewolf cats with black shorthairs) to expand the gene pool, a process that was successful. These animals were domestic shorthair cats and were totally healthy. They carried out health and genetic tests which proved that the coats of these kittens were the result of the genetic mutation that was natural. this was to keep the risk of inbreeding at bay. They became concerned and interested and in their research, came across some more kittens that were unrelated and bred them. They had a litter of domestic cats that they saw showed this kind of mutation. They were Bred in the Us by Veterinarians led by John Gobble. The first wolf cat to be registered by the international Cats associations in 2011 was known as Gobsgobblins Daciana Dream. But people never took them for serious and never bred them until the turn of events in the year 2010. Werewolf Cat Breed had a peculiar coat and was first identified more than twenty years ago in the feral cats. Let me inform and educate you on this unique feline. When you get a cat, take your time because you might be stepping on this kind and type of a cat. For instance, the lack of hair just makes them look like werewolves. It has made even other people to get worried which kind of cat it is. This is a new breed that has taken the internet and homes with the storm. It has an appearance of a Hollywood werewolf and that is where its name sprung up from. Lykoi, which is also called the werewolf cat is a mutation that has occurred from the domestic shorthaired cats.